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Building a competition-level running track is a great way for any school to help children adopt a healthy lifestyle. Creating a running track surface makes an impact on education and the community on a variety of levels. The most important goal of any team sports is to help young people learn to work well with other people, to encourage one another, stay healthy, and set goals. Also, the economic impact to our community is important. Track meets from the elementary school level to the high school level are community builders. On-site vendors (at the meets), fundraising, and driving business to Tipton happens when teams travel to our school for meets. Further, there’s the added benefit of our plan which adds LED lighting in the evening and early morning hours for community walkers (these are not as bright as the football lights). Our track can be OUR COMMUNITY TRACK - it will not be closed to the community.

GRAPHIC Track Upgrades 2020.jpg
Track: News
Track: Other Projects
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